


Our children’s ministries offer exciting, spiritually enriching opportunities for the youngest members of your family.

Our nursery is available for each of our services and is staffed with loving workers who undergo background checks, are members of our church, and are committed to your child’s safety and spiritual growth.

For your elementary-aged children we have classes especially for them during Sunday school (10am), Sunday Morning during the preaching time and Wednesday night (7pm).

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Student Ministries at Rural Point are designed to inspire your teens to develop a personal walk with Christ. The ministry exists to support families by encouraging, engaging, and discipling youth. We seek to teach from the Word of God to develop convictions and the boldness needed to live Christlike lives.

For more information visit our Student Ministries Page.



At Rural Point we understand the importance of worshiping together as a family. God ordained the home and the family almost immediately upon creating the world. We desire to put an equally high priority on ministering to, equipping, and encouraging families.



Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age-Psalms 92

Rural Point is a multi-generational ministry. No matter what your age, you’ll feel at home here. We have special events for our senior church members as well as a weekly ministry to our local nursing home.



The Gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t just good news, it’s the best news. Through community events on campus, outreach at our local rescue mission, and countless other ways, we want to proclaim the truth that God loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him.